Dengue Virus Targets the Adaptor Protein MITA to Subvert Host Innate ImmunityChia-Yi Yu, Tsung-Hsien Chang, Jian-Jong Liang, Ruei-Lin Chiang, Yi-Ling Lee, Ching-Len Liao and Yi-Ling Lin* PLoS...
Small Structural Proteins E and M Render the SARS-CoV-2 Pseudovirus More Infectious and Reveal the Phenotype of Natural Viral VariantsHsin-I Wang, Zih-Shiuan Chuang, Yu-Ting Kao, Yi-Ling Lin, Jian-Jong Liang, Chun-Che Liao, Ching-Len Liao, Michael M C Lai*, Chia-Yi Yu*...